Microsoft SWE intern phone interview

I have this soon and I’m sooooo nervous. I would really appreciate any info on what the level of difficulty is like. I here it’s much easier than the VO questions but I still rather be more prepared. Thanks in advanced!

Here’s a list of LC questions that were asked this year:
-lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
-delete node in a linked list
-search a 2d matrix II
-meeting rooms II
-integer to English words
-Implement strStr()
-walls and gates
-game of life
-top K frequent elements
-design tic-tac-toe
-LFU cache
-group anagrams
-spiral matrix
-boundary of binary tree
-design hashmap
-search a 2d matrix
-word search
-find and replace in string
-palindrome number
-decode ways
-sort an array
-reverse linked list II
-delete a node in doubly linked list
-connect nodes at same level
-wighted merge interval
-double palindrome
-symmetric tree zigzag level order traversal
-balanced binary tree
-path sum
-populating next right pointers in each node
-binary tree maximum path sum
-valid palindrome
-linkd list cycle
-linked list cycle II
-count good nodes in binary trees
-majority element
-sign of the product of an array
-remove Nth node from end of list
-number of islands
-course schedule
-merge two sorted lists
-course schedule II
-kth largest element in an array
-generate parentheses
-basic calculator II
-merge k sorted lists
-implement queue using stacks
-palindrome linked list
-delete a node in a doubly linked list
-connect nodes at same level
-weighted merge interval

good luck, hope this helps!

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you’re a lifesaver, thank you so much!!