How to make friends as someone in CS

I’m a junior and I’ve spent most of the last few years studying, grinding LC and preparing for interviews. Especially with covid and classes online, it’s been so hard to meet people and not just work all the time. how has everyone been able to keep up a semblance of a social life? I barely meet or talk to anyone and I just feel like my life and brain are very one dimensional because I haven’t spent time doing other things.

i struggle with the same thing, i keep wondering if it’s all worth it. i’ve lost the little social skills that i had in high school lol

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I keep telling myself I still have the opportunity to change this but I also get so tired after studying so much that I don’t have the energy or motivation to psych myself up.

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sometimes you just have to force yourself and realize that a few more hours of studying sometimes won’t really make a big difference

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