Amazon final round soon, please help!

I scheduled my final round for Amazon in two weeks (beginning of 2022) and I’m already shitting my pants. For anyone who has done the final round, please share your experience. I can use any help in prep I can get. Thanks in advanced!

This was my experience:
First round: behavioral, give a string and remove duplicate characters and return alphabetically smallest value e.g. “cdec” would return “cde” since “cde<dec”.
Second round: behavioral, write TreeNode, binary tree, binary search tree and a method to determine if binary tree is a valid bst.
Third round: behavioral, OOD design question to design a locker system that can store bags of two sizes. the smaller can fit in the larger and smaller locker but the large bag can only fit in the larger. it’s very similar to the parking lot question I feel.

They asked a lot of behavioral questions, more than I expected so I think I really fucked up on that part.

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